Irish Coffee

You need:
1 1/2 oz Irish whiskey
1 tsp brown sugar
6 oz hot coffee
heavy cream


You Do:

1- Brew the coffee to the taste you like.
2- Whip the cream. Pour the cream into a jug or bowl and lightly whip. The cream is ready when it becomes smooth and doesn’t drip off the spoon.
3- Sweeten the coffee. In each of your glasses, add about a tablespoon (15 ml) of brown sugar.
4- Pour a measure of the whiskey into the glass. Mix.
5- Add the coffee to about a 1/2 inch (15 mm) from the top of the glass. Stir the sugar and whiskey mix as you go.
6- Fill the remainder of the glass with the cream. Spoon some of the whipped cream over the hot coffee.
7- Serve. Although optional, it can be extra delicious to top off the Irish coffee with a favorite chocolate. Try breaking or crumbling in a chocolate bar such as a Flake, Andes mint chocolate, or other favorite chocolate bar.

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