Ways to Decrease your Stress Levels at Work

We all know how stressful work can be, with a heavy workload, looming deadlines and not nearly enough hours in the week to complete the many tasks that need to be done before the much-needed weekend.

Stress can be detrimental to both your productivity level and your health, causing some major issues to crop up in both of those areas that could in turn lead to anxiety, depression and possibly, a burn out.

In order to save your sanity and the love you have for your job, we are going to look at three ways that you can successfully decrease your stress levels at your office in Dubai, helping to improve your health and well being:

Make a List

Although it may seem like a simple and unnecessary task that may or may not contribute to decreasing your stress level, it will, even if it is only by a small amount. Making a list with all of the tasks you have to complete as well as each deadline will help you get perspective about how much work you need to do in a specific timeframe. Your list will give you a good idea about where you need to start, what you need to do now, and what you can leave until later, helping you to prioritise, feel less overwhelmed and leading to you accomplishing more. Lists make your tasks look a lot more manageable, giving you a good sense of direction when it comes to your tasks and timeline.

Go for a Walk Outside and Disconnect

Fresh air can do you and your colleagues a lot of good, in more ways than one. It is important for employees who sit behind a desk for long hours to take frequent breaks, especially when they are feeling overwhelmed. Taking a walk and getting closer to nature, while leaving your phone at the office, will help you to disconnect from work, technology, and the stresses that come with them, instead helping you to connect with your body and nature and giving you the much-needed break your body and your mind needs to be productive and focus for the rest of your day. It is important to know that staying attached to your phone or glued to your computer for a number of hours will more than likely lead to high anxiety levels and increased feelings of pressure due to the infux of emails, messages and notifications received.

Get More Sleep

The majority of people need at least seven to nine hours of sleep each night to feel revitalised, energised and ready for the day ahead of them. Lack of sleep will take a toll on your body, your job and your personal life, as not getting enough sleep will leave you feeling sluggish, unmotivated and inevitably lead to procrastination. In order to get a good night’s sleep these days, however, there is a need to silence technology first. Put your phone on silent and put it on charge where you cannot reach it (if you are hesitant about putting it on silent, turn on the device’s vibration mode), turn the television off at least an hour before you want to get some shut eye, and block out any light sources – for example your alarm clock – in order to minimise the many distractions your body could focus on instead of sleep.

Stress can affect your work life in a number of ways, and you need to use the above reduction methods to ensure that it does not continue to grow and affect your overall wellbeing.

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