Maximum Strength and Why You Shouldn’t Obsess About It

Professional athletes and bodybuilders have extremely specific goals – performing well in competitions, beating their own or world records, etc. But if you’re someone who doesn’t give a damn what you lift as long as you’re able to play football with your kids or look good for the person you love, keeping up a hard workout pace isn’t as necessary as it used to be a few years ago.

When Do People Start Obsessing About Maximum Strength?

People usually start obsessing about strength between the ages of 16 and 24, when testosterone starts doing its thing. They just want to be strong and don’t care about being athletic. This is all right to an extent, because strength is the basis for getting bigger, faster, and more athletic. However, in order to maximize muscular development and eventually have a great body, the approach should be more balanced. Having tons of workout gear and using all the supplements available won’t make you more athletic. It will probably boost your ego and make you feel like that shredded guy from a protein shake commercial, but that’s not what we’re here to discuss.

What about the flexibility and functionality of your body? Ok, you can deadlift, squat, and bench heavy, but on the other hand you may have trouble jumping in a coordinated manner or performing a one-foot stand without losing balance.

So, What Are You Training for?

Do you avoid playing a game of pick-up basketball or football with your friends because it will interfere with your workout the next day? What older, experienced athletes, lifters and coaches will tell you is that maximizing your strength isn’t the only thing out there. If you plan to do this for a long time, you’ll need to change your way of thinking.

Perhaps you started training some time ago for completely different reasons, had certain goals that aren’t that important today. Maybe you found heavy training to be therapeutic before, but find other things more important now, such as building your career, playing sports with your friends, or going hiking with your spouse.



If you feel that things aren’t what they used to be, then it’s the right time to ask yourself – what am I training for? It’s time to rework your goals and training preferences, and to open up to all the different training variables. What are you getting from your training and is that what you really want?

Will an athlete be better if he adds 50 pounds to his squat or bench? You have pursued maximum strength above all, but did you lose relative strength or gain mass? It is harder for an athlete to change direction or decelerate due to additional mass, right? Coaches do value maximum strength in training, but to a certain extent. We all have our physical limitations, so constantly chasing strength simply means a bad allocation of workout resources. As for training supplements, filling up with proteins, carbs, creatine, steroids and other chemicals will most certainly do you more harm than good. Supplements are a great addition to workouts, but only when you know what and how to consume. For example, proteins like optimum nutrition gold standard whey are popular, but also tested safe to be used as pre- or post-workout supplementation. Performance enhancing drugs such as steroids have numerous negative side-effects like developing dependence, psychiatric disorders (depression or aggressive behavior), heart problems, infertility, impotence, and many other health issues.

Other Things in Life


If you’re not a competitive athlete and want to do other things in life, then you certainly should be able to do them. Once you’re in the playing field of the real world, it doesn’t matter what amount of weight you can lift without your health. Also, when you’re younger, your body can handle much heavier work. Take a turn and focus to train other qualities, reduce the number of your heavy days, and drop your training to 80-90% of what you max.

You should know that you can get more from less. Learn to auto-regulate, even though you track your workouts and have a plan. If you woke up feeling fantastic, then play your favorite workout music playlist and train like there’s no tomorrow. On the other hand, don’t go to the extreme, ditching the gym completely or going as heavy as you can, but warm-up first and see how things are going.

Safely Dealing with a Pet’s Food Allergy

Pets suffer allergies in the same way that we, humans, do. Food is among the top causes of allergies coming in behind contaminants inhaled by the pet and flea bites. With food being a requirement in their daily lives, it can be difficult to keep them from getting allergies. When allergies occur, you can easily tell as your pet will develop skin rashes, lick themselves incessantly and even vomit on occasion. Here are some ways you can deal with it.

Hypoallergenic Pet Food



Although not entirely a solution, feeding your pet hypoallergenic food can help minimize or get rid of food allergies entirely. Hypoallergenic pet food has very limited ingredients which means there is lesser risk of allergies developing. Likewise, it becomes easier to pinpoint which allergen affects your pet due to the limited contents.

Additionally, novel ingredients are also contained in this type of pet food. This means that some of the ingredients are from sources that pets are not usually exposed to. Because of this, they are less-likely to be sensitive to the food.

Lastly, prescription ingredients are also included in hypoallergenic pet food. These means that there are components which are deemed safe by veterinarians.

Home Remedies

There are numerous home remedies you can concoct for your pet when they are afflicted with food allergies. One helpful remedy is a Calendula tincture. This tincture can be applied topically on the pet’s skin to alleviate their allergic reaction to the food. This will cause them to lessen the scratching and will help heal the wounded skin area. Hepar sulphur can also achieve the same effect.


Epsom salt can also be utilized for when the pet is enduring an allergy. Simply soak the affected area in an Epsom salt mixture twice a day and any swelling would go away quickly. Likewise, infections are not going to worsen and skin healing is promoted with continued use.


Visit a Vet


Although you can always consult well-meaning pet owners and get their advice on the subject, vets should be your primary resource when your pet suffers an allergy. You should always have with you the emergency number of the nearest veterinary clinic as well as the contact number of the nearest or most accessible vet. Be sure you are ready to provide your pet’s latest dietary information when you call. That will definitely help speed things up.



There are numerous ways to prevent food allergies in pets. Above all else, feeding pets the proper type of food should do the trick. If all else fails, be sure you know what home remedies are readily available to aid you and your pet. Dealing with an allergy caused by food is difficult and prevention is the only real long-term solution.

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Are You Going Too Big With Breast Implants?

With the huge success of breast augmentation and breast enhancement procedures, women are even opting for bigger and bigger breast implants. This has gradually increased over the years and the two major questions always asked: how big is too big? And, is there any upper limit in sight?

Twenty years back, breast implants were less common and the usually chosen size of implants was less than 300 cc. It was very rare to go anywhere above 300 cc or into the 400’s. Today, breast augmentation surgery is the second most demanded procedure and the high demand not only includes the procedure but bigger implants as well.

Breast enhancement procedures are aesthetically fulfilling the dreams of all women’s and there’s no doubt about it. But what is actually driving the escalation of having bigger breast implants-why are women choosing bigger implants and how much is too big? We took this survey to the patients sitting in Crispin Plastic Surgery Center for Breast Augmentation in Atlanta.

Let’s discuss the details we gathered, to understand the causes behind the high demand of bigger sizes.

Reasons for Bigger Breast Implants

After the survey and discussion with various patients and surgeon, it became obvious that there is no single cause for women wanting to have bigger breast implants. Here are some answers:

  • Advised by friends who already had breast augmentation, to avoid being disappointed after surgery.
  • The feedback of some patients after the surgery is that they should have had gone bigger, despite that these patients are already wearing a D cup after the surgery.

All these patients are not unreasonable people and have a desire of feeling curvy and aesthetically fuller. Some women do get concerned about going to big prior to surgery, but after the procedure once they get comfortable and aim for getting bigger. It’s actually the game of expectations and desires and women in anticipation tend to go for bigger implants.

A fashion statement and what people in general find attractive is major influencing force. You would commonly find fashion models with a larger chest, especially swimsuit models- precisely bigger breasts are “in”. Therefore, women want bigger implants. But most importantly, now women have a much more say in the size of breast implants then they did in the past.

Every woman who walks in for the surgery chooses the implant size for herself. She tries on the sizers and different bras, puts on a t-shirt and observes herself in the mirror for taking the decision. Surgeon’s advice, but it’s the patients who are taking the final shots, for the most part.

How Big is Too Big?

The truth is that there is no perfect size. The choice of the implant has become very subjective, a very petite woman can opt for large cup size and a tall woman with broad chest can choose the same as well, but all this requires a clear understanding of what can seem overdone and what can get in the way of routine physical activities, can result in neck and shoulder pain.

Keeping a realistic picture is better. And there is another, a more significant aesthetic concern-going larger than a full C or D cup does not look that attractive. Also, greater weight on the breasts in the form of implants will lead to drooping of the breasts. Sometimes going large in size can make the chest look broader and seem as a misfit for rest of the body.

But again, how you’ll know you’re going too big?

ANSWER: Consider your body type and size, take your physical activities into consideration, and your profession as well. Take the recommendations of your surgeon serious and decide mutually after listening and discussing the details.

Use these guidelines also when deciding on your breast implants:

  • If you are short in height, or you have a narrower chest, its better you stay in the smaller cup sizes.
  • If you are tall with a broad chest, you can aim for larger implants.
  • If a woman is 6 feet tall, 500cc of implant size will look good.
  • If you are a sports woman, it’s advisable to stay moderate with size as your breasts might get in the way. Although sports bra come in all size, but you won’t see a marathoner wearing a double D bra.
  • While trying the sizers, do not only picture yourself in the swim suits and halter tops but also consider your physical activities as well.

Remember that it can become difficult if your implants are either too small or big after the surgery, for both the chest and natural breast. In the end, yes you can go as big as you want, but the consequences are of course there. Surgeons are there to guide you best, just focus on what’s great for your today and tomorrow and for your life.

Heat can distress pets

Summer can be an uncomfortable time for pets

Summer can be an uncomfortable time for petsSummer can be an uncomfortable time for pets. Dogs and cats are not well equipped to deal with extremely high temperatures and special care is needed when travelling or exercising pets in summer.

Dogs and cats have a rather inefficient system of losing heat. Their skin surface is covered in hair and they do not sweat. They lose heat by drawing air over a greatly expanded moist tongue. The evaporative effect cools the blood in vessels close to the surface of the tongue.

In extreme temperatures this may not be sufficient to prevent a sharp rise in the general body temperature, and signs of heatstroke may become apparent. The dog becomes very restless, and throws itself on its side only to get up a few minutes later to find a new spot.

Its respiration becomes more rapid and noisy, and the tongue, instead of being covered with saliva, will be quite dry. The color of the tongue changes from a healthy vivid pink to dark red and then blue. If urgent measures are not taken to reduce the body temperature, the pets may die.

Aged pets with failing hearts are, of course, most susceptible to heatstroke. Dogs or cats that become very excited with car travel are also at risk, but even a healthy young pet may succumb in extreme conditions.

Most pets are lost with heatstroke through being locked in a parked car. Owners are often surprised how quickly their pets start to become distressed. The temperature within a car rises very quickly with only a small portion exposed to the sun and even with the windows partially down. While actually travelling the portion of the car allocated to the pet may not be very well ventilated.

Dogs may become affected by the heat when vigorously exercising or playing. The excitement of being with its owners or the desire to keep up may bring about a dangerous rise in temperature. If water is not available for frequent drinks to wet the surface of the tongue the problem is exacerbated.

Keep Your Pets Cool During Hot Weather via Live Science

Treatment of heatstroke is simple but must be carried out as a matter of urgency. Do not waste time looking for a veterinary surgeon if your pet is distressed and the color of the tongue bluish.

If at home, the floor of the bathroom or laundry is most suitable. If outside, choose the shadiest spot available preferably on moist ground. Wet the dog completely with cold water and keep the tongue and mouth tissues moist but do not try to force the pet to drink.

After a short time the rate of respiration should decrease and the tongue should become a more normal pink color. If the pet is not completely normal within a short time, consult your veterinary surgeon.

When travelling with a pet, make sure that you carry a good supply of clean water and a bowl. At each stop offer the pet a drink and allow it out for a short walk. If it is inclined to become very excitable or become carsick ask your veterinary surgeon to prescribe a suitable tranquilizer.

Pets being left at home during summer months must have access to a completely shaded area. They must have a plentiful supply of water which cannot be knocked over and they should be exercised during the cool of the early morning or late evening.

Do not leave food scraps to attract flies, but make sure that the pet cats when offered food, and remove any unfinished meal. Two small meals, morning and evening, are probably better than one large meal in very hot weather.

9 Ways to break bad Eating Habits

Now is an ideal time for you to consider whether there are any changes you could make which would improve your health.

Bad Eating Habits

Today there is good evidence that despite the availability of a wide range of nutritious food, faulty eating is contributing to many common preventable illnesses and deaths.

Overeating, and not a lack of food, is the major diet problem.

Good health depends on sensible eating, regular exercise and plenty of relaxation and sleep.

The Australian Nutrition Foundation says the best way for children to learn healthy eating habits is from good examples at home and at school.

But “healthy” should not be equated with “boring”.

The foundation says enjoyable food can also be healthy food and children need to learn about choosing food for health and pleasure at an early age. Eating for health and pleasure then becomes a habit.

Food provides the building blocks for our bodies. Children need lots of healthy foods because they are growing quickly.

Food is also linked with emotional growth and development. Eating habits are disturbed when children are worried and anxious. Children who are poorly nourished are likely to become tired and cranky. Life is more difficult for these children at home and at school.

Check your eating habits against the following dietary guidelines to see if there are any changes you could be making to improve your eating habits.

1. Choose a nutritious diet

This involves including a wide variety from the following five groups; breads and cereals (especially wholegrain); vegetables and fruits; lean meat, fish, poultry, dried beans or peas and nuts; cheese or yogurt; small amounts of butter or table margarine.

2. Control your weight

The best way to avoid obesity, a most common nutrition problem, is to prevent it. It is best avoided and treated by a combination of a balanced diet low in sugar, fat and alcohol, and regular exercise.

Saturated Fats via Heart

3. Avoid eating too much fat

High fat diets increase the risk of heart disease, overweight and certain types of cancer.

4. Avoid eating too much sugar

Sugar, including brown and raw sugars, glucose and honey, contributes little in the way of nutritional value. Excesses can contribute to dental disease and overweight. The current average intake is 35 teaspoons per person per day – 70 percent of this occurs in processed foods.

5. Eat more breads and cereals (preferably wholegrain) and vegetables and fruits

These foods are rich in dietary fiber which will prevent constipation and may help prevent other chronic diseases of the large intestine.

6. Limit alcohol consumption

Excesses can contribute to weight problems and vitamin and mineral deficiencies, as well as to liver damage.

Breastfeeding Benefits for Mom and Baby via CBS News

7. Use less salt

High intakes of sodium (salt is sodium chloride) have been linked to an increased risk of high blood pressure. Limit salt in cooking and at the table, and also limit those foods to which large amounts of salt have been added, such as corned meats, pickles, take away foods, cheese, meat sauces and many snack foods.

8. Promote breastfeeding

Breast milk provides the best nutritional start in baby’s life and also helps protect the baby against infections.

9. Try a variety of easily prepared dishes

Stir-fried vegetables and meat, chicken or fish, served with rice, or one-dish meals of a casserole with meat or chicken dishes prepared with potato and vegetable pieces with some tomato and herbs for extra flavor.



How Does Sleeping on a Futon Feel Like?

Futons are getting trendy, despite diverse originality-Japan. But if you’re skeptical like others about the sleeping system and concerned for your bedding, there’s a lot of just that. Walk into a bedding store and you will see yourself selling yourself to the sleazy marketing skills of luxurious beds and pillows. Did you know that, there’s better sleep and comfort in a simple floor mattress?

Japanese bed has centuries of history proving its benefits through the living example of Japanese. The fresh, young, and all active Japan locals are a proof of how sleeping on a simple traditional futon keeps them healthy. Locals even claim on staying headache and backache free because futon mattresses. But is any of futon health benefit backed up by scientific proof? Is the firmness dis-comfortable?

Precisely, there’s limited amount of factual data that supports these claims, however there’s a plethora of medical and scientific studies revolving around the same concern. There are many studies that support sleeping on a firm mattress for correcting the posture and the alignment of joints. For a better understanding futon beds, let’s discuss few important aspects and how it feels to sleep on one.

How is a Traditional Japanese Bed? Is it Comfortable?

Traditional Japanese futon bed is made of 100% cotton and has a standard thickness. Elsewhere, futons are known to be firm but according to futons, such firmness is the best type for getting a good night sleep. Traditional futons are different from the mixed western version-the western-traditional fusion has variety of fillings for adding extra comfort. Since comfort of a mattress is subjective, therefore the overall satisfaction of a mattress varies from person to person.

Nevertheless, for those who are used to sleeping on a futon, they need nothing more. But for the ones transitioning from regular beds to futons, they should know that there are many options to adjust the comfort level of a futon. Authentic futons are custom made as well, you can choose the measurement and thickness, while a Tatami mat is to add more cushioning to the bed.

Tatami Mat- Traditionally, Japan’s love affair with sleeping on floor starts from a mat made of rice or compressed wood chips. Tatami mats have a covering made of soft rush with edges made of cloth. They may be not convenient for western floors but are popular in Japan. Sometimes, futon mattresses are laid out directly on the floor, and when tatami mat’s are added-futons get another layer of cushioning.

Health Benefits of Japanese Bed

As discussed above, the major claim of futon health benefits are the locals. They have been sleeping on them since all their lives and are more energetic and healthy than any other nationality. Let’s discuss a study based on elderly Japanese people who have grown up sleeping on these futon beds.

  • A case study of hip bone fracture was carried out on Japanese elderly people- It was concluded that hip fracture amongst these people was nil.
  • Sleeping on a Japanese futon bed than western regular bed helps keeping them fit and healthy.

Another important aspect for health benefits of Japanese futon beds is the cleanliness. Futon bed contains and accumulates less dust mites and allergens as compared to a western bed. Authentic futons are filled with 100% cotton which keeps it lightweight and allows maximum circulation of air, thus preventing moisture to trap in. The sweat of human body converts into moisture and traps inside beds, hosting molds.

The skin shed from human bodies converts into dust. Regular beds cannot be washed and moved easily, whereas Japanese futons are light and can be washed and moved. The care routine of futons including, airing it in the sun and beating it with wooden bat, is a another important factor in maintaining the top-notch hygiene of Japanese bed.

Moreover, the study of shikibuton (Futon) cover revealed its effectiveness for a Japanese bed. After the experiment of weighing dust from futon bed with and without futon covers, a significant difference was seen in the level of dust accumulated inside the beds. Shikibuton cover is very important and useful in avoiding mite allergens. Futons are even the best choice for people sensitive to dust allergies.

5 Smart Ways to Eat Healthy on a Super-Tight Budget

Are you a fitness buff? Or maybe just trying to shed few inches around your waist line? Whatever the case be, healthy eating habits and nutritious diet is the ultimate answer. But, unfortunately a well-balanced and nutritious diet can really stretch your budget, which can be a hurdle in your way of healthy eating. On the other hand, unhealthy food is easily accessible and quite cheaper than their healthy alternatives.

So, if you want to eat healthy but the cost of nutritious food is discouraging you, then we have some great tips that might help you. Take heart these smart ways to save on healthy food and enjoy a fit and healthy lifestyle.


  1. Learn to Cook


The first and most important way to eat healthy is to prepare home cooked meals. You need to say goodbye to your daily trips to the neighborhood restaurant for dinner and also to canned food. Once you replace packed meals and daily dining at restaurants, you will start saving on your food expenses. Plus, it also gives you the satisfaction of knowing what’s in your diet.

    2. Plan Your Meals


Meal planning is another important step towards healthy eating in a budget. You need to plan entire week’s meals and if possible prep them in advance so that you eat only what’s in your fridge. You can also repurpose them to avoid wastage. First you need to create a list of your favorite dishes, which are healthy and then prepare a grocery list for your weekly requirements according to your meals plan. Shop once a week and enjoy healthy eating.

    3. Use online coupons and discounts


If you do a little research on Google, you will be able to find numerous coupon codes and deals offering discounts on grocery. You can take advantage of these discounts to save on your grocery shopping. If possible, you can also sign up for a membership or club card at your local grocery store as it is now possible to load coupons digitally on your supermarket club card.

  4. Go for seasonal fruits and veggies


Seasonal fruits and veggies are not only fresh, but also cheaper than their out-of-season counterpart. They are more nutritious and help you save money; it’s a total win-win. You can stock them up when they are on sale and freeze them to use later in the week. For winters you can go for frozen vegetables as they are cheaper. Don’t forget to check online as you can get best deals online.

  5. Experiment with different cuisines


Don’t restrict yourself when it comes to food. You can try different cuisines to get the best value to flavor ratio. Mexican and Indian cuisines include a lot of inexpensive ingredients and hence allow you to eat healthy without affecting your budget. Both these cuisines include a lot of rice and less meat; also the ingredients can be used interchangeably. This will allow you to include more plant-based proteins in your weekly meal plan, which is comparatively cheaper.

Start with these small steps and you will eventually find out that healthy eating is not that expensive after all.

Going Green Around the Office


There’s a stereotype out there that big business is on a rampage to destroy the environment. Some would argue that this perspective is justified regardless the relationship between industry and the environment has been tenuous at times. The BP oil spill of 2012 is still fresh in the memory of many, particularly in the gulf region. The publishing industry is constantly on the hook for their business practices in regards to conservation, and chemical companies like DuPont and Dow have always been environmentally controversial. But many business offices across America are trying to reverse that thinking. There are many ways that an office environment can take steps to keep from harming the global environment. These measures don’t interfere with profit margins, indeed, in some ways they may even increase them. Here are some useful tips about how to “green” your office.

Energy in the Office

One of the most effective things you can do is to make sure all electronic equipment and lights are turned off at the end of the day, and don’t forget replace lights with energy efficient light bulbs. There may be some devices that needs to be powered overnight but certainly not all electronics. Encourage employees to turn off their computers while they’re checking out for the day also. By turning off just one 75 watt desktop every night, you can spare the world 750 pounds of carbon emissions every year. It will also go a long way to reducing your power bill.

Re: Recycling

Encourage a recycling program in your office. Just have two bins instead of one in the corner of your office, and make sure employees throw any and all used paper products in the recycling bin as opposed to the trash bin. You can even recycle your office furniture. There are companies out there that will come to you to pick up your old desks and chairs and will subsequently recycle them. While you are recycling your old materials, make sure to strictly use recycled material, when you have the option. Office Max and Staples sell 100% post-consumer recycled paper. It’s just as good as new paper and cuts down on deforestation.

The Road Less Travelled

In today’s tech crazy world, instant communication is easier than it has ever been. With the advent of instant messaging and networks like Skype, it is possible to communicate with someone halfway around the world with just a click of a button. Many companies are using these instant communication technologies to save on travel expenses, and it’s proved to be effective. But the great added perk is the environmental benefits that come with this minimized business travel. So next time you are planning a business trip, take a moment to consider if you really need to actually travel to conduct your business or if you can just use the bevy of communication tools available to you.

These are only a few creative ways to become more environmentally friendly while you conduct your daily business. Keep an eye out for tax breaks that apply to your company if you start green initiatives, these tips could save you money.

Five Facts about Birth Injury Malpractice

One of the most traumatic things a person can go through is worrying about the health, well-being, and safety of their newborn child. Unfortunately, negative things sometimes happen near the time of birth due to a doctor’s negligence. As you will find out below, it’s not uncommon for a newborn to suffer defects or injuries because a Doctor wasn’t careful enough. Here are a few facts about medical malpractice and birth injury that may shock you, but are interesting nonetheless and important for you to know should you be expecting.

  1. General Medical Malpractice is Not Rare
    According to the Washington Post, medical malpractice in America is now the third leading cause of death! A study published in the BMJ cited by the Post claimed that 251,000 lives are lost every year due to doctor irresponsibility. That number is rightfully terrifying, as we depend so much on medical professionals when life gives us bad hands. So you see, this isn’t necessarily a few and far between thing. It’s the third most pressing issue facing our society today.
  2. Injured Newborns aren’t Necessary an Anomaly
    As of 2015, 28,000 babies are born injured on a yearly basis. I don’t have to explain to anyone reading this how that is no small number. When you have both medical malpractice and birth injuries at such high rates in the United States, the two are going to intermingle. While the amount of birth injuries due to malpractice isn’t commonly talked about or reported, nobody disagrees that those cases happen pretty regularly.
  3. C-Sections Matter Here
    That’s right – caesarean sections, which are supposed to make giving birth easier, can actually have dire consequences should your doctor be negligent. In fact, the most birth injury malpractice cases happen because of C-sections! Primarily, this is due to failed attempts with forceps or vacuums. Skin lacerations are the most common injuries induced during C-sections, but cephalohematoma (injury to an infant’s skull bone) happens quite a bit as well.
  4. Cerebral Palsy is a Common Consequence of Malpractice in Newborns
    Among the most common birth injuries is Cerebral Palsy, which may surprise you. In fact, it’s actually a very common malpractice consequence. Infection and suppressed oxygen due to negligence are the two main causes of Cerebral Palsy in malpractice cases. While some causes are untraceable, we are unfortunately sure that, notably often, medical malpractice has resulted in cerebral palsy.
  5. Doctors May Not Admit to their Mistakes
    “Getting to the truth in a birth injury or malpractice case is very difficult; the medical providers will not be forthcoming” writes Unfortunately this isn’t far from the truth. If your newborn is injured, most definitely you should look into it, as the doctor might not own up to his or her own actions.

In a world where dishonesty is prevalent even among medical professionals, it can be easy to get disheartened. But don’t despair – the majority of doctors are good and legitimately want to help you how they can! However, if you need a place to vent about your problems with doctors, go ahead and let it go in the replies below!

Prescription Drug Overdoses: A Serious Concern

Drug addiction is not the sort of subject that many people want to talk about. But even so, currently the United States is seeing some of its highest levels of drug addiction than at any other time. Approximately 6.5 million Americans aged 12 and older abuse prescription drugs and need treatment for the problem.

Unintentional but Lethal

Prescription drug overdoses have surpassed overdoses from illegal drugs like heroin or methamphetamines. It has nearly reached the status of a national epidemic. As in the previous year’s findings, opioid drugs including OxyContin and Vicodin contributed to 75 percent of medication overdose deaths.

OxyContin is a widely prescribed drug for pain relief. It operates on a time-release delivery of medication so the effects can be felt throughout the day. Vicodin is also used to relieve moderate to severe pain.

Many that end up abusing prescription drugs don’t think that they can be a problem because they come from doctors and pharmacies. The truth is, opioids are in the same class of drugs as heroin.  Many prescription narcotics are respiratory depressants. When taken in combination with other depressants like alcohol the results can be deadly.

Drugs prescribed for mental health conditions were also involved in a large number of drug overdoses. Benzodiazepines, or anti anxiety drugs, were involved in nearly 30 percent of these deaths, while antidepressants and antipsychotics made up the majority of the other drug overdoses related to mental health prescription medication.

Who’s at Risk

Those who are most likely to develop a prescription drug habit include older adults, women, and those with failing health. Also included in those at risk are people that drink alcohol daily.  The National Institute on Drug Abuse found the following correlations regarding drug abuse:

  • Those most likely to abuse narcotic painkillers such as codeine and morphine included women, single adults, and those over 35 years of age.
  • Those most likely to abuse tranquilizers like valium included women and white individuals as well as those in poor or moderate health.
  • Those most likely to abuse barbiturates like Quaaludes included people in poor health and those making less than $40,000 a year.

How to Spot Abuse

To stop the abuse of prescription medication requires one to recognize the symptoms or help the abuser recognize that they need help. Look for behavior changes that might include mood swings, altered sleep patterns, bizarre behavior, or anything out of the ordinary.  This is a serious condition that if left unchecked could lead to more serious drug problems, or as the statistics show, a deadly overdose.