Look After Your Skin In The Sun

Sunburn happens to white-skinned people who are eager to be suntanned and don’t know how much their skins can take.

The ultraviolet part of the sun’s radiation does the tanning and it can also cause sunburn, skin cancer and other skin damage. So don’t be fooled by the cool mornings! The sunburn risk can get quite high at midday.

Avoid sunbathing between 11am and 4pm when you first expose yourself to the sun in your swimmers this year, and 15 minutes a day is enough until you have built up a tan.

Always wear protection. Sunscreen products work by protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays. Products vary in the amount of protection they give. Your doctor can advise you on which product suits your skin best, particularly if you have problems due to a skin condition or allergy.

As a rule fair skins need more protection than olive skins. Some parts of the body such as the nose and lips, bald heads and other parts not frequently exposed should always receive extra protection.

Children need extra protection to avoid long-term damage to the skin. Babies should not be in the midday sun at all.

Physical sunscreens such as zinc cream prevent the sun getting to the skin.

Ultraviolet part of the sun's radiationChemical sunscreens vary from ones that block 99 percent of the ultraviolet rays to ones that give less than 30 percent protection. Ideally you should apply the sunscreen to a clean, dry skin at least an hour before going in the hot sun, so that the sunscreen can react with the skin to give maximum protection.

Remember that the protection they give, will be lessened by swimming and if you perspire freely. Frequent applications of the sunscreen are necessary, perhaps every two hours.

A suntanned skin is less vulnerable to sunburn, and therefore the thickness and frequency of application of the sunscreen can be reduced. You will learn from experience how much sun your skin can take. People with red hair and freckles will often never tan, but only burn. It is something they have to learn to live with.

Do remember that excessive exposure to the sun has an ageing effect which is irreversible. It destroys the elastic tissue in the skin and can make you look older than you are.

Sunburn can have the same effect as being in a fire or having boiling water poured over the body. It needs the same kind of treatment as accidental burns, for it can cover a very large area of the body and result in first-, second- or third-degree burns.

When a child is badly sunburned over a wide area of the body and feels sick, he should see a doctor as soon as possible.

In mild cases, you can prevent a member of your family from developing sun blisters, by applying water as cold as possible until the sting goes. A very cold bath with ice in it is a good idea, or you can soak a sponge in iced water and squeeze the water out over the sunburn, and continue doing so until the pain has gone.

Look After Your Skin In The SunSunbathing is bliss, but the recipe for that desired even, light golden tan (without cracking and raw-red skin) is 15 minutes of gentle cooking before 11am and after 4pm, lightly basked with a sunscreen preparation, and then a swim to cool off.


  1. http://www.health-and-fitness.es/how-is-your-sun-sense/
  2. http://remedybynature.com/sunbathing-suntanning-health-benefits-side-effects/
  3. http://www.lifetips.top/beauty/how-to-get-the-best-brown-skin/


How Obstructive Sleep Apnea Is Really Dangerous For Health?

What is Apnea?

Firstly, apnea is classified as a temporary interruption of breathing and especially while sleeping.

What is obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Now, coming to obstructive sleep apnea, it is a type of apnea happens when some obstruction completely or partially blocks your upper airway while sleeping. This makes you chest muscle and diaphragm work really hard to overcome the obstruction and pull air back into the lungs. Breathing usually resumes with a body jerk, loud noise, or gasp.

Individuals suffering from this type of apnea are not aware of this pebble, even after awakening. It is often recognized as a sleep problem by others, who see you closely, your unusual behavior at night.

What happens under this condition?

Under this condition, your breath becomes shallow or you may even stop breathing for some time.  This happens can many times for people those, who are suffering from this problem during the night.

Why the lack of oxygen is harmful? – Bad effects of obstructive Sleep Apnea

This condition can also reduce the flow of oxygen to all the vital organs of the body and can lead to irregular heart blood pumping.

The lack of oxygen to your body has many long-term negative effects. This includes-

·         Heart disease

·         Stroke

·         High blood pressure

·         Diabetes

·         Depression

Some common symptoms for obstructive Sleep Apnea

·         Talk to your family doctor about this, if notice any of these below listed symptoms

·         Sore throat or dry mouth, when you wake up from your sleep

·         Daytime fatigue or sleepiness

·         Irritating and uncontrollable head in the morning

·         Sweating during night

·         Depression and trouble concentrating

·         Snoring while sleeping

·         Waking up suddenly with a choking like felling

·         Feeling lazy to get up in the morning

·         If you sharing your bed with someone, he or she will probably notice this before you do.

Symptoms for children

The symptoms are different for small children and they are mentioned below.

·         Regular bedwetting

·         Sweating heavily at night

·         Choking while sleeping

·         Learning disorder

·         Teeth grinding

·         Uneasiness in bed

·         Problem sitting for long at school

·         Unusual sleep positions

Causes of obstructive Sleep Apnea

It is believed that obstructive Sleep Apnea happens because of brain surgery, old age and decreased muscle tone.

The decreased muscle tone is usually caused by regular intake of alcohol, drugs, or it can also be caused by a neurological disorder.

Long term snoring can be dangerous

Snoring is basically termed as the vibration of the soft tissues of the upper airways. And, increased soft tissue around the airway (can also be due to obesity) give rise to narrowed airways.

There is also one theory which says that long-term snoring induce local nerve lesions in the pharynx, in the same way as long-term exposure to vibrations does to all parts of your body.

It is a potential serious life-threatening sleep disorder, so don’t ignore or turn a blind on it, consult a doctor as soon as possible. A sleep apnea physician can diagnose obstructive Sleep Apnea using a home sleep test or in-lab common test.

Pep-up Your Hair

Pep-up Your Hair

There are various ways, such as these tested methods used by hairdressers and do-it-yourself hair experts to pep-up tired locks and bring gloss and spring back into hair that has become limp and dry from summer’s wash-and-drip-dry methods of hair care.

What you have to do first of all is take a cool, critical look at your hair problem (your mirror helps!), decide on your type of hair, then set about doing whatever’s needed to restore it. Here are the clues:


FINE AND LANKY HAIRThis easily gets lifeless with grease and the tendency is to wash it too often, which only over-stimulates the oil glands. Shampooing every seven to ten days is ideal. Use a liquid shampoo and plenty of beer or wave-setting lotion to give body to the hair when setting.

Brush seldom, and then only to give movement to the hair, not vigorously enough to work up a shine; if you want to put a good polish on, use a piece of silk fabric, smoothing it over your finished hairdo.

A short, springy cut is best for this type of hair. If left to grow long the effect is not sleek but stringy. To counteract both oiliness and thinness, try a fairly strong perm wave, curls right up to the roots of the hair.


It can easily get into poor condition. Once a month, before shampooing, oil (half castor and half olive oil) should be rubbed in thoroughly to feed the hair roots and left to soak in under a hot, moist towel. Shampoo it every ten days, using a cream shampoo; follow this with a good conditioning cream.

For home setting, use large rollers or large spring clips to avoid an over-curly effect.

Good thinning is essential. Lucky girls who have this type of hair can successfully wear bouffant or head-hugging styles-although curls will get a little untidy soon after setting. A light perm will help to control this lively type of hair, but beware of over-perming, which will kill the natural sheen and color.


DRY AND COARSE HAIRHair of this type can readily take washing more frequently. A shampoo every three days is recommended where oiliness is excessive, using a pine-based or medicated one. Frequent washing will not ruin your locks.

If you must use a brush, touch the ends only, well away from the scalp; massage the scalp firmly with the fingertips to stimulate the blood vessels nourishing the hair roots.

This type of hair can take most styles. Layer cutting and thinning will make it easy to set at home, and using beer will keep the set in longer. Most perms do well on this kind of hair.

However, if your hair is oily and you can’t wash it, give it a dry shampoo. You can do this two ways: soak pads of cotton-wool in cologne, place them between the bristles of your hairbrush, and lightly brush the oil out of the hair; or you can shake some dry shampoo into your hair and this will remove the grease as you brush it out.


THICK AND GREASY HAIRThis often suffers from lack of good blood circulation and requires constant massaging of the scalp with the fingertips each night and before shampooing. A warm olive- and castor-oil treatment should be given every three weeks before washing with a cream shampoo.

If you have a pretty face and flawless skin you will get away with wearing this type of hair long and sleek, but most young girls are better off with shorter hair, well cut, and with the very lightest of perm waves set on large curlers. Keep perms down to two a year.


  1. http://everyhomeremedy.com/maintain-healthy-hair/
  2. http://healthinpics.blogspot.com/2016/06/how-to-sun-proof-your-hair-for-summer.html
  3. http://www.lifetips.top/beauty/12-ways-to-have-perfect-hair/

How to Have a Well-Groomed Appearance

Forget the idea that half way measures of personal grooming are good enough to keep you spick-and-span right around the clock. It just isn’t so.

Even on the coldest days we perspire and personal daintiness is as much a necessity then as it is in hot weather, although summer calls for greater care in maintaining it.

The beauty-wise girl makes very sure of her charm, and as part of her bath ceremony, always uses modern deodorants and depilatories regularly.

Removing unwanted hairDon’t, don’t, don’t, whatever you do, allow leg and underarm fuzz to grow. Whisk it off once a week. There are several methods of removing unwanted hair. Choose whichever one suits you best.

Shaving is a quick, clean method of removing superfluous hair from the legs and under the arms, provided only that you know how to handle a razor to avoid nicks and cuts.

The best time for this treatment is right after a good warm bath or shower. Let your skin remain quite wet and use shaving cream or lather soap lavishly. Afterwards, rinse and dry and rub on some hand lotion or body cream. The result should be a clean, smooth surface. You can learn how to have a nice relaxing bath.

Then there’s the wax-removal method in which special wax is melted and applied in strips to the skin and yanked off when it hardens. Many girls like this best because it gives a longer lasting effect, but it is hard to do yourself and rather expensive.

Do be sure to try out any product you have not used before on a small area of skin first of all.

A cheap but slow and primitive way to spruce the legs and arms that is frequently used is done with an abrasive mitt or piece of pumice stone. Abrasives clean the skin surface all right and are relatively safe, but they should not be used on tender skin.

In the long run the choice is up to you, and you can use what you will: razor, depilatory, wax, or abrasive. But don’t skip using a bit of soothing lotion afterwards to keep the skin looking smooth and satiny.

To stay as fresh as a daisy all day long is a task that’s made ever so much easier if you use a suitable deodorant (or perspiration corrective).

How to be prettier than your friends
A nice relaxing bath.

Never kid yourself about the need for a deodorant. Even though you don’t appear to perspire much, it’s a good thing to be ever watchful of this detail of personal grooming.

Some girls (and boys), and frequently nervous people struggling under tension, need to use deodorants and antiperspirants more often. A daily bath, shower, tub, or sponge is the first requirement. An underarm deodorant or an antiperspirant, used immediately after the bath, is your second step to freshness.

The simple deodorant prevents odor after perspiration has occurred but does not interfere with the perspiration flow. For under arms, the roll-on type is quick and efficient. A spray is better for the all-over job.

Deodorants won’t function properly unless your skin is thoroughly clean and dry. Allow enough time for thorough drying after application.

The difference between deodorants and antiperspirants is that the latter preparation closes the pores and checks perspiration at the skin surface. Products having both qualities perform the two functions.

It is not wise to use either a deodorant or antiperspirant if your skin has a minor irritation or at a time when it is sensitive.

Though very necessary, deodorants and antiperspirants are not in themselves alluring. Every girl should have some light flowery scent or cologne that’s nice to wear.


  1. http://scienceline.ucsb.edu/getkey.php?key=2333

E-Cigs: A healthier alternative or just as dangerous?

A few of my friends have been trying different ways to quit smoking conventional cigarettes. I’ve been pretty curious about the tech behind E-cigs and found the devices to be pretty fascinating.

E-cigarettes are the 21st century take on smoking. Operating a battery-operated chassis that turns liquid from a cartridge into aerosol, users can deliver nicotine to their systems while avoiding the cancerous nature of tobacco. These devices have been on the market for more than a decade and continue to surge in popularity, but there is increasing widespread disagreement regarding their safety, or any benefits they may or may not have.

How they work

The device itself is rather simple: the e-cig heats a liquid, normally containing a mixture of nicotine, propylene glycol and glycerine, into an inhalable vapor. The chemicals can be purchased in small cartridges, some with different flavorings.

E-cigs do not produce smoke like traditional cigarettes, however they do expose others to secondhand emissions. While the safety of device is still unknown due to the lack of long-term research, many studies have indicated that there is some possible risks associated with vaping (the term for using an e-cigarette). It’s also important to note that e-cigarettes are still not regulated by the FDA until the beginning of August.

The general consensus is that e-cigs are less harmful than conventional cigarettes. Professor of public health sciences and psychiatry at Penn State Jonathan Foulds, PhD, tends to agree.

“They’re simpler than cigarettes. [When] you burn it, cigarettes create 7,000 chemicals into your body. But with e-cigarettes, there’s no combustion. The good news is that you’re inhaling a vapor that’s got four to give things, as opposed to 7,000 things.”

But what else do we know about them?

The answer? Not much.

While proponents of vaping insist that e-cigs are potentially less harmful than conventional cigarettes and may even help smokers quit, critics are quick to mention that the safety of the product has yet to be tested.

There have been very, very few studies that investigate the extent of the biological effects. There are however, all kinds of potential dangers associated with the chemicals, especially in high doses. Accidentally ingesting the liquid inside the cartridges is quite poisonous, and even a small amount can be deadly.

Additionally, the lithium-ion batteries found in e-cigarettes have proven to be often unstable, resulting in dangerous explosions that can harm a person’s face or body.

Isn’t smoking an e-cigarette just as dangerous though?

Short answer: not really, probably.

Long answer? Scientists exposed human tissue to both e-cigarette vapor every three days for between one to 8 weeks before the tissue deteriorated. For the normal cigarette smoke, the cells only lasted 24 hours.

This seems to indicate two things: smoking cigarettes is far worse than smoking electronic ones, and that smoking anything is far worse than smoking nothing at all.

“E-cigarette vapor is known to contain a range of toxins which include impurities in the e-cigarette liquids and toxins generated when solutions are heated to generate vapor,” says John Britton, a toxicologist at the University of Nottingham, UK. “Some are carcinogenic, so it’s likely some long-term users of e-cigarettes will experience adverse effects on their health, and the authors are correct to point out that these products should not be considered risk-free.”

“But if smokers can’t give up completely,” Britton adds, “e-cigarettes are safer than smoking.”

So what does this all mean?

In short, it seems that E-cigarettes seem to be less hazardous than conventional cigarettes, but they are by no means just as safe as not smoking anything at all. It’s important to understand how your actions affect others, and to be considerate. Just because E-cigarette vapor isn’t as toxic as conventional cigarette smoke, doesn’t necessarily invite its use in places where smoking isn’t generally permitted anyway.

The Cost of Clean Water

Large scale desalination plants are found in Saudi Arabia and Israel because of their dry climates, up until now desalination has never been a priority for the United States. Unfortunately California is now facing the same challenges as these Middle Eastern countries. Historically California would import water whenever there was a need for it, a majority of the water coming into San Diego is from the Colorado River. With water resources becoming scarce California is looking for new ways to provide water.

San Diego County is home to the Carlsbad Desalination Plant. It is the largest desalination facility in North and South America. It can produce up to 54 million gallons of clean drinkable water a day. This is good news for California that has been in a drought since 2013 but for San Diego 540 million gallons of water a day is not nearly enough to supply everyone.

In order to desalinate water it most go through a process known as reverse osmosis. Approximately half the water taken into the plant becomes fresh water while the other half contains all the leftover salt. The extra salty water is then diluted and recycled back into the ocean. Reverse osmosis requires large amounts of pressure in order to convert salt water into clean water but that pressure requires a significant amount of energy.

The Carlsbad Desalination Plant is now the single largest user of energy in all of San Diego County. They have spent over a billion dollars in order for the plant to run at maximum efficiency. Maintaining the desalinating process requires a large enough power source, the cost is one of the reasons desalination is not widely utilized in the United States. Energy is approximately 55 percent of a plants cost of maintenance. With a growing trend of businesses going green many desalination plants are looking towards alternate energy sources. Renewable energies are becoming less expensive and provide tax breaks for businesses in the U.S. Unfortunately solar and wind energy alone cannot generate enough power to completely replace current sources. Desalination plants have installed energy recovery devices that mitigates energy loss through data centers.

In spite of these efforts water from the plants still costs more to produce than it does importing fresh water. Desalination is promising but energy is still too costly to rely on desalination plants.

The Listeria Scare

Chances are you have heard about the recent listeria outbreak. Since April, there have been major nationwide recalls on frozen foods originating from CFR Frozen Foods in Pasco, WA. The plant is home to at least 40 different brands, which have been affected by the recall. Listeria is the most common of foodborne illness and can be quite fatal. However, this is not meant to scare anyone as there is very little chance of an infection occurring.

All told, eight people have been diagnosed with listeria in two and a half years, though there was a more serious listeria outbreak involving cantaloupe in 2011. Odds are not good that you will contract the disease.

People most at risk are those with weakened immune systems, older people and pregnant women. Beyond that, it comes down to personal responsibility. There is no reason that anyone with safe eating behaviors should contract listeria even with foods from this recall.

The first prudent thing to do is to check the complete recall list. Frozen fruits and vegetables processed at the CFR plant since May of 2014 with expiration dates as far as April 2018 are the susceptible, tainted products. If you know what you’re eating may be dangerous, don’t eat it!

Still, people often eat tainted food without knowing it. This is where safe eating habits come into play.

Bring vegetables to a boil. One misconception people have is that there is no bacteria in frozen food. Freezing only stops bacteria from growing, it does not kill it. Freezing actually works to help preserve bacteria. The only way to kill bacteria is by boiling it.

Do not eat frozen vegetables. It may sound weird, but vegetables are rather common to eat frozen or raw, particularly in smoothies or in salads. Non-cooked room temperature food gives the most fertile place for bacteria to grow.  

Do not thaw vegetables in the refrigerator. The slow warming process allows bacteria to spread rapidly.

Do not microwave frozen vegetables. There is no guarantee how thoroughly they are being cooked as compared to letting them boil on the stove.

Keep the refrigerator clean, particularly in areas where liquid from fruits and vegetables may have drained.

If you may have eaten some contaminated foods, don’t worry too much. See a doctor, particularly if you start to develop symptoms within a few days. However, trace amounts of listeria exist in most anything and people ingest it daily. In normal, healthy individuals, small amounts of various bacteria are good for the immune system. It is only in large concentrations that listeria becomes harmful.

Safe eating and cleaning practices are the best defense against a particular disease. Eating healthy and practicing good hygiene leaves almost nothing to worry about.

5 Personalized Mug Gift Ideas for Coffee Lover Dad

If you really want to make the father’s day cherished, you are at the right place. Win-win personalized Mug Gift idea is the first choice gift to show how much deeply you love and care to him. Surprise your dad with supreme collections of personalized gifts for dad from here. We have shortlisted soulful gift, touch directly to hearts. So go for it.

1-Claddagh Stein

representing affection is now become very easy from the online gift shop. Now you can easily represent your emotion on the gifts and show your intense love towards your loved one. Claddagh Stein ceramic mug is really simple but very traditional mug you can carry for your dad. If he believe in simple living believe me this gift is appreciable. Your father can have the coffee or beverages at office as well as homes too. Green color personalizing name with love message purely express your love towards your father.

2-Father’s Day Headln Coffee Mug






Here you go for Headln Coffee Mug for your coffee lover father. Reward to his selfless duties by gifting him “Dad Of the Year” Coffee Mug. Intensely he will feel so glad and cherished that this gift is given by the person whom he loves most. 19th June date with your father’s name printed on the Mug to make his day. Beautiful white ceramic mug represents thoughtfulness, delightedness and kindness towards your dad. So order it for your loveliest father.

3-Super Dad Coffee Mug

Without a doubt you are going to steal your father’s heart with this super dad coffee mug. Deserving people deserves a great treat. Give your super hero and super dad award and full his life with happiness and joyfulness. We assure you it will instantly spread beaming smile on your father’s face, you never seen before. No talks, no discussion, no excuses, without speaking single word, you can share all the good thoughts with your beloved father. A classy heavy duty mug is personalized with the name and year.  Above all this is the coolest gift to spread eternal intimacy towards the father and the son or daughter relationship.

4-Monogram Coffee Mug


Prove your love towards your Dad with Monogram Coffee Mug. It’s very simple but looks great while serving tea or coffee inside. Alphabetical word is simply personalized with red color. The heavy ceramic mug is on the way to show off your irresistible and unending love towards your Dad. Celebrate his day like he never expected before. Amaze your father with loveliest gift; he is going to keep nearby him always. Certainly it’s a perfect gift to get the award winning smile on your father’s face.

If you still not get the right point of personalized gifts delivery, contact us.
5-Irish Coffee Mugs


Have you thought about creating sweet stories? You can with this Irish Coffee Mug. Tell your Dad how much you care for him, love for him, think of him. Yes, it’s the day to showcase all your warmest and heartfelt feelings towards him. There are loads of gifts, but this would be the nicest gift ever he imagined before. Personalizing his name on the Irish inspired design looks great. It’s a phenomenal gift you can buy to give the special recognition and acknowledgement to the great personality of this world. If you really want that your gift is to be acknowledged in the mass of gifts, pick this one. This will be the great memorable and cherished gift; he will always keep with him as a memento.

There are so many choices of gifts you buy but not stays for longer duration. Personalizing gifts is the perfect deal, just not shows your personal attention but stays for living sweet memories for longer duration. We value relations, and that’s why we bring the gifts only touches hearts. It’s a perfect gifting option to bring closeness in the father and the son or father and daughter’s relation. Than Hurry UP! Time is moving fast, and just few days are remained. This is a limited edition gift; you can buy for your father. So make it fast and order it now. Contact to us and place your orders now.

30 sets of fat burning

Nowadays there is a tendency that all people have to look good. You have to be smart, well-groomed, with hairstyles, manicures and beautiful fit bodies. Besides, in recent years, it has become very fashionable to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. But as we all know it is often very hard to start something. Here I offer you 30 sets of fat burning that will help you get in shape and get rid of extra fat in the body.

Lets’ start!


1.     Caffeine


As soon as you wake up, drink 1-2 cups of coffee. Caffeine – is a proven “fat burner”. It helps not only to burn more fat during exercise, but also prevents its accumulation. Drink a cup or two of strong coffee before morning cardio. Even do not dare to put sugar and cream! This will spoil everything! Sugar and cream do not let burn fat! Instead of coffee, you can take caffeine in tablets (200-300mg). And be assured – the effect of caffeine is scientifically proven!

2.     Carnitine


Take some BCAAs and carnitine before cardio. Cardio destructs not only fat, but also muscles (catabolism-muscle destruction). In order to avoid this, take 5g of BCAA. BCAAs is guaranteed to neutralize muscle catabolism! Don’t forget about carnitine.  It burns fat and increases levels of the hormone testosterone that also burns fat.


3.     Cardio before breakfast


Do cardio before breakfast. While you are sleeping the  body, usually depletes sugar. So, subcutaneous fat is the main source of energy for cardio. That is why, morning cardio efficiency is very high! Of course, you have to get up a little earlier than usual to get in time to work. But the effect of cardio is worth it!


4.     DO intervals.


Some time ago, cardio was understood as rhythmic running. But later, we came up with a new cardio – interval. For example, run fast for a minute and then walk fast for a minute. This alternation of load pace has a powerful fat burning effect. Scientists undertook to compare the results of a six-month aerobics course in two groups: first group simply practiced intense jogging and the second – the intervals. As a result, athletes in the second group disposed of fat 9 times more. Spend your morning cardio for 25 minutes, breaking it up into minute intervals: minute – running, minute – brisk walking.


5.     Eggs.


You need a good meal after a morning cardio.  The best option is eggs. The yolk contains healthy fats and lecithin, which helps the muscles grow, improve brain function and accelerate fat metabolism. Cholesterol that is also in the yolk is used to produce testosterone in your body. Fats in eggs are immediately spent on energy consumption and almost never stored. Scientists note that the consumption of eggs for breakfast reduces subsequent calorie intake by almost 25%. Nutritionists recommend eating 2-3 whole eggs + 2-3 egg whites in the morning. Do not be afraid of cholesterol in eggs, taking them does not lead to an increase in bad cholesterol. But you should be afraid of infection, so boil eggs!


6.     Slow carbohydrates.

It is good to eat slow carbohydrates, for example, 2 whole-meal toasts or a plate of porridge for breakfast. Slow carbohydrates do not raise insulin levels, which is responsible for fat storage “on reserve”. When insulin is low, carbohydrate metabolism slows down, and fat metabolism increases. This saves glycogen during training, and speeds up recovery. In addition, grains contain fiber that helps get rid of fat and suppresses appetite.


7.     A half of grapefruit.

Eat half a grapefruit for breakfast. Grapefruit juice helps get rid of fat, lowering insulin levels due to the action of vitamin C. The research showed that those who ate half a grapefruit for breakfast, could burn 1.5 kg of fat more than 3 months as compared to the other groups.



8.     Oatmeal rocks!

A couple of hours after the first breakfast is time to get to the second. Remember that you need to eat every 2-3 hours. What for? Frequent meal mode speeds up the processes occurring in the body, including fat burning. That is why, you need to eat 6-8 times a day to lose weight. And then, it’s time to eat porridge again. We need simple oatmeal, boiled in water, without  sweeteners or flavorings .


9.     Cottage cheese.

Food intake cannot be considered complete if there is no protein, so add some cottage cheese to oatmeal. This wonderful product contains about 28 grams of protein per cup, that is, casein protein that accelerates the growth of muscles and reduces appetite. It is better to choose cheese with low fat (not more than 1 %).



Drink 2 cups of cold water between meals. Studies show that this method speeds up metabolism by 25-30 % within an hour. On the contrary, dehydration inhibits fat burning. Water intake (plain, no additives) is essential! Do not forget about it, if you want to get rid of fat!

Noon / Training


11.Green tea.

Before a workout, take green tea extract containing strong natural fat burners: caffeine, catechins.          Take it two times a day, to get rid of fat. A single dose is 500 mg, taken before meals.


12.Warm up!

Of course, we do a warm-up before training, stretching and warm-up exercises. That can be replaced by a short cardio session on the ergometer bicycle (10-15 minutes), during the fat burning workout. It will also help warm up and burn at least 150 calories.

13. Train differently!

Strength training should be changed a little, because our goal is to get rid of fat. Focus on large muscle groups. Such training consumes more energy. Give up the isolated lung exercises on blocks and simulators. General exercises with a barbell or dumbbells should be the basis of the training program. Thus, squats consume 50% more energy than the leg press. Then, it is necessary to change the methods and training, too. If you train 1-2 muscles a day, then you need to go to the simultaneous training of all muscles of the body. If you do not have time, break all the muscle groups into 2 days (Day 1-chest, back, delta, legs; Day 2-arms, calves, press). Train each muscle 1-2 exercises for 3-5 sets. It’s perfect to train in a day.

14. Hard training!

Gym veterans advise that you should do a lot of repetitions in each set, so they say you will burn more calories. Not likely! Science has shown that severe hard 4-6 repetitions cause the largest energy consumption, besides, body is in a state of rapid metabolism for a few hours after such training.

15. Less rest between sets.

How can I do the hard 4-6 repetitions and rest between 3 minutes? You can and should! To get rid of fat, you have to rest for 30 seconds, at least a minute. And in order to have time to recover, use this trick: mix sets of exercises on different muscle groups. For example, today you do chest and back. Make a set for the chest and after 30 seconds go to the set of exercise for the back … So, while one muscle is working, the other rests.

16. Extend the Sets

To burn fat even more, use the principles of Weider “rest-pause” and stage sets. Do 6 reps, decrease the weight for 10% and continue set to the bursting point (step). Or you can relax for 15-20 seconds and do a few more reps with the same weight to the bursting point (rest- break).


Noon / After Workout

17. Fast carbohydrates

These carbohydrates are considered to be harmful, because it stimulates the sharp release of insulin, but it is very good after a workout. Insulin helps when exhausted muscles are in great need of sugar. The rapid recovery of energy in the muscles, stimulates further growth. Well, the more muscles, the more energy they need. It will also help get rid of fat.

18. Protein.

Muscles need protein after a workout. Natural protein is slowly digested, so it is better to drink a protein shake of whey protein. The cocktail should contain 20-40 grams of protein. Scientists have proven that taking whey protein in large quantities helps get rid of fat.

19. Creatine.

Creatine increases muscle strength, as well as speeds up the metabolism, increasing the daily energy expenditure of at least 100 calories.

20. Nuts.

Eat some nuts between the post-workout meal and the next meal. They contain healthy fats that help the absorption of other fat.


21 Law of the salad.

You cannot eat a lot for dinner – it is an important rule of weight loss. Vegetable salads will help. They are low in calories, but they have the volume necessary to create the illusion of fullness. If you eat a salad before the main course, the amount of food eaten will be reduced by 12%. It is useful to add beans and nuts to the salad. But store salads with mayonnaise, sauce, etc. are prohibited. Seriously, if you want to get rid of fat, add lemon juice or vinegar to the salad.

22. Fish.

Fish contains omega-3 fats, accelerating metabolism. Its important influence on our body has been proved away back. It is important to remember that fish can be fried only on the grill and never on the frying pan.


It seems like this vegetable is specially created for those who want to get rid of fat. It contains a lot of calcium, vitamin C, chromium, fiber. That’s why,  broccoli is an ideal product for supper.

24. Milk.

Surprisingly, milk helps get rid of fat. Obviously, of low fats. The scientists attributed this property of milk with a high content of calcium that split fats. Milk contains a lot of protein that is useful during the night. Choose milk with a fat content not more than 1%.

25. Fruits.

If you want sweets, forget the cakes and candies. You can only eat fruits for dessert. The most valuable is grapefruit, but you can replace it with an apple (has Sea vitamins and minerals, low in calories).

26. Take a walk

Walk before going to bed. You need to take a walk after dinner, even if there is no dog. Select a distance to walk for 30 minutes. This will be useful and digestion will be faster. It is especially necessary, if you ate too much. But in this case, it is better to walk FOR45 minutes.
Late night

27. No carbohydrates!

You can NOT eat carbohydrates after dinner, even if you are tortured with night hunger. They will turn into body fat. The only exception – late workout. Here you have to do it according to the already known rule about quick carbohydrates.

28. YES protein!

Drink a protein shake before going to bed. The best choice is casein, as whey protein is not suitable. Its uptake will last for the whole night. In addition, casein helps get rid of fat, but you are unlikely to succeed in losing weight in a week.

29. ZMA.

This supplement includes zinc – an important and missing trace element in our body. It plays an important role in the synthesis of testosterone. A low level of zinc means weaker muscle growth. Take ZMA on an empty stomach one hour, half an hour before bedtime.  Read more about the benefits of ZMA.

30. Sleep!

Lack of sleep reduces the level of hormones, including testosterone, slows down metabolism and the burning of fat. Scientists believe that sports people should sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Though sleeping too much is harmful. This way sleeping over 10 hours leads to the same changes in the hormonal background.

I hope these tips will be useful for you! Good Luck!

Olympia Powell is a blogger, writer and artist.  Works as a writer and blogger at Essay-writer.club Started working as a writer cause of love for the  art of writing and literature. Having some free time paints paintings and just tries to make some art. You can contact her on Twitter  Facebook




6 Healthy Exercise Habits Will Always Lead To Fitness

To make exercise a part of your every week schedule, you have to accept the procedure and come up with a determination to change the condition of your health. As soon as you are in the mentality that you want to create an optimistic improvement in your daily life, it is simpler to achieve your aims. Right here are a few helpful suggestions to make healthy exercise habits that will always lead you to fitness.

Healthy Exercise Habit #1

Treat yourself:

It has turn out to be a well-known punchline in the pop culture; however it is additionally a mental fact. Gratifying yourself for good behavior assists in forming your behavior quicker and inspires you in the direction of your aim. Tell yourself that it does not regard the destination, it regards the quest. Rather than only celebrating when you hit your goal weight or even zipping your jeans up without having a problem, you ought to enjoy your modest wins. Praise yourself for exercising 3 times this week as you prepared or even for having the ability to complete bicep curls with five-pound dumbbells.

Healthy Exercise Habit #2

Workout early in the morning or possibly immediately after work:

Most of us are not aware that joint pain relief can be dealt with if he/she exercise early in the morning. While the allure of a pleasant, cozy bed or even kicking your feet up for watching your best Television show is appealing, keep in mind that all those steps usually do not further the achievement of your respective aims. Working out will set a positive tone for your rest of the day. In case, you do not have time and energy to move early in the morning, then go on the path of your residence from work. Stay away from heading to your home among function and fitness center to be rejuvenated or even to have dinner; you will be more unlikely to return from the gym. As an alternative, keep a gym handbag all packed and all set to head out in your vehicle to ensure that you will not be enticed going to your house first of all.

Healthy Exercise Habit #3

Make workout a top priority:

It is suggested that you are energetic a minimum of half an hour every day. That is only 2% of the whole day. Try out scheduling your exercises similar to a business conference or perhaps a doctor’s visit to ensure that they are guaranteed. You should not think about exercise as a task; consider this as a unique portion of your entire day whenever you can concentrate exclusively on yourself. In case, you are not feeling up to an exercise, attempt performing a minimum of 5 to 10 minutes before tossing in the hand towel. Possibilities are that as soon as you warm up, you will power through your exercise and will feel much better as soon as you are completed.

Healthy Exercise Habit #4

Select a workout you like:

In case, you dislike jogging, pushing you to ultimately the fitness center following a long day to jog on your treadmill is going to be difficult. Still in case, you like to dance, going to a Zumba class right after a long day, might be a lot more attractive choice. Not sure about what you prefer? Check out something entirely new every week. Not just will certainly this particular assist you discover a new hobby; however, it will also confuse your muscles, getting rid of much more calories.

Healthy Exercise Habit #5

You can make a game of this:

Keep a record of your exercises and then play a game with yourself for defeating your individual record. As an example, in case, you walked 3,000 steps just today, try to walk a minimum of 3,500 on the next day. You will find many devices and apps which can monitor your exercises for you personally, such as a FitBit or MyFitnessPal. Many these techniques contain a social aspect; therefore, you may challenge friends and family to some healthy and balanced competition.

Healthy Exercise Habit #6

Workout is not restricted to the fitness center:

You can obtain the most efficient exercise while you are in a workout center; however, there is no reason to restrict your exercises to when you are clad in spandex. Try to make minor changes for example parking further off from a shop or perhaps taking the stairways rather than the lift. Intentionally creating these minor changes is an ideal way to work out even if you do not mean to. Gozine lifestyle fitness is the best one if you are thinking about your exercises. Getting into this particular attitude can assist you to make wiser decisions throughout the day, for example passing up your office donuts for a granola bar which you brought from your house.


1. http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/7-simple-habits-to-keep-happy-every-day/

2. http://infernohealth.com/fh/healthy-habits/