Steps How to cancel or activate your Apple Music subscription

apple music unsubscribe

Apple introduced lately Apple Music, and with the attempt to advertise this service the company gave all the users a 3 month free subscription. By doing so most of the users will download there music and hence get attached to this service and start paying. That’s one of the strategies to keep users hooked up to a service. If you want to cancel Apple Music subscription check below the steps how you can it from IOS or from Itunes.

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Asteroid Day: June 30 a Global Day of awareness. #AsteroidDay

Asteroid DayAsteroid Day is an annual global awareness movement that brings people from around the world together to learn about asteroids and what we can do to protect our planet, our families, communities, and future generations. Asteroid Day will be held on the anniversary of the 1908 Siberian Tunguska event, the largest asteroid impact on Earth in recent history.

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Archery: How to know which is your dominant Eye

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Knowing your Dominant Eye in archery and other types of sports that require aiming is very important. In archery it’s the most important fact, it even solely determines if you use a right handed bow or a left handed bow, your hand preferences has nothing to do with it. Therefor don’t go running to buy a bow before reading the rest of this article and determining your dominant eye. Continue reading “Archery: How to know which is your dominant Eye”

Good grocery list application

Every house needs to have a grocery list of the purchases needed, today its better to have it as application since your phone is always with you

Before choosing which application we should use, we had a couple of of conditions that application should abide by. Simple to use, a free application, can synchronize between more then one person and this is useful specialty when there is more then one person in the house.

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Reset the net: June 5th 2014 #ResetTheNet

FacebookCover We use the internet to be ourselves but governments are building a prison around it we have to stop them, but how ? they seem so vast and powerful, but government spies have a weakness, they can hack anybody but they can’t have everybody. Folks like the NSA depend  on collecting insecure data from tapped fiber. They depend on our mistakes – mistakes we can fix. The Plan: Reset the Net. Together on June 5th, one year after snowden’s first NSA story, we all take one powerful step to turn off government spying and turn on freedom. the call is simple : Find some territory of the internet that you can protect from prying eyes. Seize and hold it. Continue reading “Reset the net: June 5th 2014 #ResetTheNet”

May 23-24, 2014 Major Meteor Shower from Comet 209P/LINEAR, watch live

meteor showerBetween May 23 and 24 2014 earth will path through the dust particles left by comet 209P/LINEAR. This will create a meteor shower/storm which are very few this year. scientists are not very sure about the average of dust that will plunge the earth in that night. Some say it will be above 1000 per hour which makes it a meteor storm, and other are speculating it will be only between 100 and 400 per hour. The important part is that astrologist and amateurs can enjoy the show at the end of this month.

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TFS steps to Force an Undo Check out (Force Check in)

visual studio Team Foundation ServerWhile working in the environment of Visual Studio with Team Foundation Server (TFS) with multiple check out Disabled. you might come across a scenario where your team members have checked out a files and they are not present to check in for you to be able to use those files. This is why TFS has an administrative command prompt commands, this will only work if you have administrative access on the TFS project, and should not be done from the same computer that checked out the file. Continue reading “TFS steps to Force an Undo Check out (Force Check in)”